Thursday, November 3, 2011

Boo Shuffle by The Pipettes

OK, I know I haven't written in awhile. Life gets busy, especially when you have kids. But pop music continues and this time with The Pipettes!

I adore The Pipettes! Their first album was very 60s wall of sound. Their second album was like 70s disco with a hint of funk. Of course my descriptions could be wrong, but the music is POP and FABulous!

The latest single, "Boo Shuffle", sounds like it could have been on their first album. So I'm not sure which musical direction they are going, but it doesn't matter.

The polka dots are back! A group of dancers called The Actionettes help out in the video. The daughter of late producer Martin Rushent named Amy, can be seen dancing between Ani and Gwenno and sitting next to The Pipettes at the piano. Martin produced The Pipettes second album.

Enjoy the video! The song will be available to purchase on November 14.

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