Friday, July 26, 2013

Same Love by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Mary Lambert

Dear Poptastic Readers,

It probably comes to no surprise to you that I'm not the biggest fan of rap music. Sure I had Salt-N-Pepa albums back in the day. And I've liked rap when it is mixed with Eurodance like the Real McCoy. But generally, I don't listen to rap music. However, our teenage sons (ages 16 and 13) do. 

This morning, I had the day off from work and I drove the boys to their summer hang out: The Boys & Girls Club. We were listening to the radio the "it" radio station for teenagers and the song "Same Love" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Mary Lambert came on the radio. I listened in awe and I was even a bit emotional when my 13-year-old started singing along from the back seat.

The single cover features Macklemore's gay uncles referenced in the song.

I knew about this song. I initially watched the video last fall when it premiered. I'm sure I cried and shared it on my Facebook page. I didn't actually think much else about it. Sure, I've seen various Facebook friends posting every so often. But I had absolutely no idea that it was being played on radio stations.

I drove home and immediately went and watched the video again on YouTube. I had tears in my eyes again. Afterwards, I looked up the song on Wikipedia. The song has been released on iTunes and it is currently at #11 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song has already gone to #1 in Australia and New Zealand. Wouldn't it be great if it went to #1 in the US?

I've just downloaded the song on iTunes. It is on the album "The Heist." Please legally download the song to support the artist and it will help keep the song climbing the charts. More radio stations will continue to play it, and hopefully the message will keep reaching people who need to hear it.

Here is the video ...

Cheers then,

P.S. You can see a performance on the Ellen Show here.

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