Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Kiss Me Once by Kylie Minogue

Dear Poptastic Readers,

I've been away on holiday to Europe! And what a holiday it was! I even got to meet the ultra-FABulous Annikafiore! Yay! And now on to the main subject …

Kylie Minogue's new album Kiss Me Once is released worldwide this week. I was able to buy mine yesterday and it is a solid output of pretty good pop songs. Overall, the album a happy pop album. And that's what we want from Kylie.

The first track starts off with the lead single "Into The Blue." Click on the title to see what Poptastic Confessions wrote about it. I will say that the song has grown on me even more and I love it now.

The next three tracks are really fun: "Million Miles" is a toe tapper. "I Was Gonna Cancel" is a funky little gem. I really like it. Perhaps the word "Go" is repeated a bit too many times, but otherwise it is fun. "Sexy Love" is pure Kylie. Fans should love it!

Track 5 is the big mis-step of the album in my opinion. The song is called "Sexercize" and the lyrics are as cringeworthy as the title. The music is OK, a bit dub-stepish. I can't imagine ever wanting to sing along with this song. There is usually one Kylie song on an album that I don't like. Right now this is it. But who knows? Maybe in time I will like it. At any rate, you have to give Kylie props for trying something new. I'm sure some will like it. It's just not my cup of tea. And now there is a video for the song ...

When I first listened to the album, I was completely shocked when I heard track 6: "Feels So Good." I was shocked because I knew the words and I was singing along. At first, I had no idea how I knew the song. And then I realized it was the same song as a song I featured in Poptastic Confessions last October called "Indiana" by Tom Aspaul. Click on the song title to see what I wrote about it. I liked the song, but because it came in at the end of the year and it was an artist that I didn't know I kinda forgot about it. Kylie's version is basically the same exact song. And it is one of the best songs on the album. Could be a great single, I think. I kinda feel a little silly not paying more attention to the song last year. But now Kylie's version is here, and all is well.

The original version of "Feels So Good."

The next three songs are pretty good: "If Only" is cool song. "Les Sex" is fun and it also has a pure Kylie sound. "Kiss Me Once" is also the name of the album. It is a mid-tempo number that Popjustice called the best song on the album. I like it, but I'm not sure it is the best song on the album. I'm just not overly WOW'd by it. But it is a very nice song.

The one ballad on the album is a duet with Enrique Iglesias called "Beautiful." It's all right. The last track is "Fine." And it's got a really nice melody. 

Overall, I think it is a solid album. It's fun. However, I absolutely love her previous 2010 album Aphrodite because that had some truly euphoric songs like "All The Lovers", "Get Outta My Way", "Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel In Love)" and "Can't Beat The Feeling." While there are a few euphoric moments on Kiss Me Once, it just doesn't have the energy that Aphrodite had.

But does that make it a bad album? Heavens, no! It's different. And that's what we want from our favorite artists. We want them to try something new. I've written this review after listening to the album five times. So my opinions of the songs could change. But I think it is a great album. And it is worth buying the whole album.

Listen to an album sampler here ...

Kiss Me Once is available on every digital outlet. But iTunes is probably your best bet.

Cheers then,

P.S. I'm very happy that Kylie's teaser single from last year called "Skirt" didn't make the album.

P.S.S. There is a unofficial mix of "Into The Blue" floating around the internet and it is being called "The Ballad Version" or "The Ballad Mix." It is actually a mashup of the a cappella version of "Into The Blue" mixed with the instrumental version of The Saturday's ballad "My Heart Takes Over." It's a very nice mashup and it gives "Into The Blue" a more intimate feel. It was on SoundCloud, but now it is gone. Bummer.

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