Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Black and White by Kylie + Garibay featuring Shaggy

Dear Poptastic Readers,

I'm sorry for the lack of updates this year. There has been a lot going on in my personal life, and I just don't have the time or energy to update this as much as I should. I'm sorry for that. I have some posts coming soon. Stay tuned.

Our last entry was about Kylie Minogue's "Absolutely Anything and Anything At All." Well, she's back with another song called "Black and White" and it is with Garibay featuring Shaggy. Check out the cute video with Kylie strutting around in bikinis.

I must admit, I like this more than "Absolutely Anything and Anything At All." If you like the song, it is available on digital outlets. As a single, it comes with two other songs. One with Sam Sparro and the other with Giorgio Moroder (not "Right Here, Right Now").

Cheers then,