Thursday, December 3, 2015

Holiday '15 by Parralox

Dear Poptastic Readers,

Hello again! Parralox are back with their second album of 2015! And you are going to love it! It is called Holiday '15, but don't think the name is a Christmas album, because it isn't! Just a nice new album to enjoy during the holidays and beyond!

Last December, Parralox released an EP called Holiday '14. That EP was sort of a tribute to The Human League as the Human League once had an EP called Holiday '80. And on Parralox's Holiday '14, two of the six songs were remakes of Human League songs, and one was a cover that the Human League made.

Well, that is true again with the new album Holiday '15. There are some more Human League covers ... but let's take it song by song, shall we? As always, click on the title of the song to hear it!

1. "In Heaven" is a remake of a song by Peter Ivers. His version was in the 1977 movie Eraserhead. A movie that I have never seen so I haven't heard this song before. So it is brand new to me and I love it! When I first heard the song, I thought it was sung by Johanna. However, I saw on that it is sung by Louise, a new singer joining the Parralox collective. Johanna is still involved, but was unable to contribute to the album.

2. "I Want To See The Light" is a remake of a 1981 song by a group called Rational Youth. This song, like most songs on the album, features John on lead vocals.

3. "Gods and Monsters" is a remake of song originally by a group named Psyche. It's quite lovely.

4. "The Sundial" is another Psyche remake. John gives some deep vocals here.

5. "Stranger's Thoughts" is a remake of the 1988 song by Camouflage. It reminds me of a Depeche Mode song for some reason. Very nice.

6. "Being Boiled" is the first Human League cover on the album. This is a classic HL song as it was recorded by the group before Susan and Joanne joined The Human League. However, it got re-released with they were in the group and it is sort of a cult classic. Parralox give a very faithful updated version here.

7. "Empire State Human" is another Human League cover. It is such a fun song with wonky lyrics about growing tall! There is a lot going on here, and Parralox handles it with ease and it sounds quite current.

8. "Circus Of Death" is another Human League song. I must admit, it has never been one of my favourites. However, I'm quite digging this version. The music is a bit spooky and Parralox did a great job with it.

9. "Morale / You've Lost That Loving Feeling" ... Now, if you had Parralox's Holiday '14 EP from last year, you'll notice that "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" was on it. However, The Human League recorded it with their song called "Morale" and now Parralox have done the same!

10. "Always On My Mind / In My House" ... Parralox takes a break from Human League songs and switches over to the Pet Shop Boys. Sure, the main song is originally a 1972 song by Brenda Lee, and later made famous by Elvis Presley and later Willie Nelson. But Parralox give it the same energy that the Pet Shop Boys gave it in 1988. And they include "In My House" just like the Pet Shop Boys did.

11. "I Don't Depend On You" ... without a doubt, this is my FAVOURITE song on the album! It was written and recorded by The Human League in 1979, but credited to "The Men." I've been wanting The Human League to remake this classic for years! Thankfully, Parralox had stepped in and given it a fresh update. I can't stop listening to it. Both John and Louise do a great job on vocals! I want this to be a proper single in 2016 with a video and remixes! (Hint Hint, John!) It is that good! No, it is great!

12. "Voyager" is the first Parralox original song on the album. And it features Louise on vocals. It also is a fantastic song that could easily be a great single. I might have to vote this the second-best song on the album. FABulous!

13. "Rocket Science" is a fun upbeat original track sung by John, who really gives a wonderful vocal performance here. This is also one of my favourite tracks!

14. "Paris Mon Amour" ... The final track is a song written for the love of Paris after the recent terrorist attacks. Vocals by Caesar and Ginnie.

Holiday '15 is a fun album. You won't be disappointed. I usually buy my songs on iTunes, but this time I bought the album on BandCamp. It is quite easy and you pay with PayPal. Don't delay! Buy your copy today!

Cheers then,

P.S. Don't forget to check out our review of Parralox's previous 2015 album Aeronaut.