Monday, October 30, 2017

Stupid Lovesong by Laser Dreams

Dear Poptastic Readers,

Scandipop featured this new song by a new artist and the artwork totally made us check it out. It didn't disappoint either. The song is "Stupid Lovesong" by Laser Dreams. Isn't the artwork totally awesome?

Who are Laser Dreams? They are a Swedish duo made up of producer Urban "Hurb" Ericsson and singer Malin Lybeck. The music to "Stupid Lovesong" is pure synthpop! The vocals are fun and charming. Check out the video ...

Wasn't that fun? Yes, it was! We've added the song to our 2017 Poptastic Confessions playlist on Spotify. Check it out!

Cheers then,

P.S. Remember to like Poptastic Confessions Facebook page and follow Davearama on Twitter.

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  1. Hi!

    Thank you so much for your review :)
    Our second single came out today, 1 of Dec.
    It is called Friday Night.

    Check it out on Spotify:

    Wish you the best and have a great Friday!

    //Laser Dreams

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