Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Golden by Kylie Minogue

Dear Poptastic Readers,

This week, Kylie Minogue celebrated her 50th birthday (Happy Birthday, Kylie!) and the third single release from her #1 smash album Golden. What is the new single called? Why it is the title track "Golden" of course!

Even though most of the album is country pop. "Golden" is the least country of the three singles released. It is a bit guitar driven, but we don't think the music screams "country." Sure, there are some country elements. 

Kylie filmed the video in Havana while she was there filming her second video for "Stop Me From Falling" with Gente de Zona. The video has Kylie showing off some lovely sequined dresses, one she even gets in the ocean with. There is also a fresh-faced Kylie without makeup on for some closeups. Just have a look ...

"Golden" is available on digital outlets everywhere. Buy your copy today! We've added it to our 2018 Poptastic Confessions Playlist on Spotify. You'll also hear her previous singles "Dancing", "Stop Me From Falling" and the version of "Stop Me From Falling" with Gente De Zona there, too. Enjoy!~

Cheers then,


P.S. For more information on Kylie, like her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter. Don't forget to like our Poptastic Confessions Facebook page
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