"If I Lay Here (Chasing Cars)" is a dance remake of the 2006 song by Snow Patrol. Nadine doesn't sing the verses of the original, instead just the chorus and the Middle 8. Also, the original was quite slow. Nadine's version is aimed directly at the dance floor. We've added the lyric video to our 2023 Poptastic Confessions Playlist on YouTube ...
"If I Lay Here (Chasing Cars)" was written by Gary Lightbody, Jonny Quinn, Nathan Connolly, Tom Simpson, and Paul Wilson. It was produced by Dru Masters. It is available on digital outlets everywhere. Buy your copy today! We've added it to our 2023 Poptastic Confessions Playlist on Spotify.
—Sausi O'Sullivan
P.S. Please follow Nadine and Poptastic Confessions on social media ...
Nadine Coyle
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