Poptastic Confessions

Poptastic Confessions

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

'Til Dawn by Rebecca & Fiona featuring Chinaski + Someday by Chambray featuring Rebecca & Fiona

Dear Poptastic Readers,

Rebecca & Fiona have hit the dance floors with 2 latest releases. called "'Til Dawn" featuring Chinaski. The other being "Someday" by Chambray featuring Rebecca & Fiona.

On our first listen of "'Til Dawn", we realized we knew the lyrics. As we sang along, we realized that it is a remix of their song "Real Love", which was #16 in our Top 100 Songs of 2021.  "'Til Dawn" has a relentless baseline reminiscent of Giorgio Moroder. The music is quite different from the "Real Love." But it still has the same heart of the original. It has a lot of dance elements this time around. "'Til Dawn" was written by Rebecca & Fiona with Stefan Haag, who also produced this version. Have a listen here ...

"Someday" is a delightful piano-led house pop song. It has a great melody and the lyrics are about remembering when you were younger and thinking about your future, which is probably now. Let that sink in. It's a fun song, but our only complaint is that it is too short. There is an extended mix, though. "Someday" was written by Rebecca & Fiona with André Rost, who also produced the track. The music video is a visualizer of mostly skating. Have a loo

Both songs are available on digital outlets everywhere. Buy your copies today. We've added them to our 2022 Poptastic Confessions Playlist on Spotify, which also features some songs released at the end of 2021, including Rebecca & Fiona's amazing song "Sweetest Delight." You will also hear "All The Things She Said" and "Savannah" there, too. Please remember to use Spotify as a way to hear new music. The best way to support the artists are to buy their music. Please do so!

Cheers then,

P.S. Please follow Rebecca & Fiona and Poptastic Confessions on social media ...

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